NHBC is a member of
Basis of Union
The Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada (CBAC) was formed in 1905-06 with the union of the Regular Baptists and the Free Baptists. Sharing many of the same con-cerns, the two bodies were brought together by their common interests. The basis of union was a statement of agreed doctrine and church polity. Each church within the two bodies voted on the statement. All supported it with the exception of six churches, and none of the six voted negatively. Thus the CBAC was brought into being upon an agreed statement of faith, which was approved by the churches themselves. Today, it remains the basis upon which we work together
Baptist Distinctives
Baptists share many beliefs in common with other Christians including belief in one God, the human and divine nature of Jesus Christ, and the significance of his crucifixion and resurrection for salvation. With other Christian churches, they know that hope for the individual, the nation, and the world is found in Jesus Christ and in a personal relationship with Him. Baptists emerged historically out of a desire to follow New Testament teaching as they understood it. The following beliefs have come to be known as Baptist Distinctives: