Missions Globally
Together, equipped with faith, we extend hope and act in love.
CBM serves people who live on the margins through partnerships that work in two directions. Our first network of partners consists of individuals, congregations, Canadian Baptist denominations and women’s groups, foundations, and businesses in Canada who want to help address important global issues through the generous sharing of resources. Our Canadian Baptist denominational partners are:
- Atlantic Baptist Women
- Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada
- Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec
- Canadian Baptists of Western Canada
- Canadian Baptist Women of Ontario and Quebec
- Union d’Églises Baptistes Francophones du Canad
Missions in Atlantic Canada
WE ARE a ministry partnership of more than 450 Canadian Baptist churches and 21 Associations in the Atlantic Provinces. Our role is to resource our pastors, churches, and people, and to facilitate shared mission on behalf of our churches.
We give each year to the CBAC, and in turn those funds go to help with some of the following
Youth ministry, youth events, Church support, Acadia Divinity College, Crandall University, seniors housing, Halifax Chaplaincy, Spring Forth, Clergy Wellness, Church planting, Healthy church Programs, missionaries just to name a few.
Missions locally
NHBC is one of many local Baptist churches who together own Camp Peniel. As one of Nova Scotia's premier Summer Camp & Retreat Centres, Camp Peniel are constantly making a positive difference in our community. Every year they impact and inspire both children and adults, provide leadership and skills training for current and future leaders, and create an atmosphere for dreaming incredible dreams!
Camp Peniel is predominantly a summer camp ministry focusing on children and youth during the summer and a camp and conference ministry for all ages during the spring and fall. We welcome people of all ages, races, creeds and backgrounds to attend our camp programs.
Our goal is for each person to have a life-changing and memorable experience while encountering Jesus Christ in a safe, loving, fun-filled environment.
Missions Locally
Facing an unplanned pregnancy?
You have options and you are not alone. We are here to listen to your concerns, and help you navigate a plan so that you can still reach your goals.
Missions Locally
Send a Kid to Camp is a sponsorship fund at NewHeights Baptist Church to provide bursary support to kids & youth who want to attend Christian camps. For many families, camp is expensive, and we want to offer support so that more children and youth can encounter Jesus and have life changing camp experiences!
Missions Locally
Atlantic Baptist Women has a rich heritage of demonstrating the love of God to others throughout the world. Our roots began in 1870 when Hannah Maria Norris formed local women’s groups to support her mission to Burma. Today we consist of 197 women’s groups with more than 2000 members throughout Atlantic Canada. We not only support others in mission by prayer and finances, we also engage in mission both locally and globally.
Vision Statement
Impacting the world for Christ
Mission Statement
Partnering to serve Christ in communities at home and around the world - learning and growing together.