Four small country churches rich in history, in 2009, felt God calling them to come together in love, for the furtherance of His Kingdom

Arcadia United Baptist Church


It was not until September, 1867, that the building of the Baptist church at Arcadia was contracted for, and not until April 10, 1871, that it was formally dedicated   

In 2009 the building was renamed as New Heights Baptist Church.

Chebogue United Baptist Church


In 1840, a parcel of land, a short distance north of the Wyman road was purchased and the church was finished and dedicated the following year.

Plymouth United Baptist Church


  The Plymouth Baptist Church was built ca. 1870 and used as a Free Baptist meeting house until 1906, when it became United Baptist with the unification of the Free and Calvinist Baptist denominations. The church had a unique false Gothic front that rose above the roof line to look like a spire. The building no longer exists.

The Rockville United Baptist Church is valued for being the oldest place of worship in the community of Rockville; for its history as a Free Christian Baptist Church; and for its Greek Revival style architecture.

The Rockville United Baptist Church was constructed in 1843 about a kilometer south of its present location, on Chebogue Point Road. In early May of 1886 this church was moved to its last location. The building no longer exists.